Sunday, June 2, 2019


“While I get the rest of the blankets, make sure Cherry doesn’t eat that garbage over there and all the dogs need water.  It’s too hot right now from them not to have any water!” said Mary. While Mary made the last trip to the car, Tom, her partner of eight years and their four dogs lay under a stout palm tree. The couple had decided to pack their bags and head to Rome for the day with their dogs. They left EUR early that morning after packing their car with snacks for the dogs, their tapestries and blankets for the day.
Tom and Mary had decided to take a picnic break at Piazza Cavour. The busy Piazza was bustling with people who were also enjoying the sunny weather. Mary pointed a palm tree which was a bit smaller than the others in the Piazza and exclaimed to Tom who was behind her, carrying some of their things that she had found the perfect spot to picnic.
After settling most of their belongings, Tom opened the big black backpack to his left to get the bowls and Poland Springs water bottle for the dogs. Cherry, Mary’s brown pitbull panted in the shade. Coco, Jewel, and Mimi had placed themselves to the left of Tom. The three chihuahuas which Mary liked to call the triplets had been Tom’s gift to her.
Mary and Tom had been together for eight years. Cherry had been Mary’s first dogs after she had graduated from college. Mary met Tom at her office at a Christmas party the firm hosted every year and they started dating soon afterward. Six years later, Mary had had four miscarriages and was told that she could not have children by her doctor. Tom had helped her through her depression, making sure to find a therapist and giving her time to grieve in the months that followed. The triplets were the gift that Tom had given Mary six months after she had talked to her doctor.  As Mary made her trip back to her car, she looked back to see her family behind her all laying underneath the palm tree.

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